

Jasmine Williams is an agent of change with a passion for Jesus and a love for family. She believes we can all make our homes places of ministry, where we host the presence of God and raise our children to be disciples of Christ.

A third-year master’s student at Southern Evangelical Seminary, Jasmine is pursuing a degree in biblical studies. She led the youth ministry at Freedom Rain Church for two years and had the privilege of planning and speaking at the church’s first two youth conferences in 2018 and 2019. Whether speaking to youth, women, or blended audiences, Jasmine's heart is to see the church equipped in an active faith that reaches beyond the four walls.

Of all the teaching opportunities she gets, homeschooling her children is her favorite. From math and reading lessons to potty training and making snacks, she surely lives the life of a busy mom. Through it all, she still has a burning desire to reach the world for Jesus and would be honored to speak at your next event. Jasmine seeks the heart of God for each audience she’s blessed to be before. Below is a sample of her speaking topics. Let’s connect!

Topic Samples

    Do you ever wonder how anyone can manage home life, work life, family time, self time and still have energy for God time? Feel like there’s too much stuff in a day to make room for really growing in your relationship with God? Many people get so wrapped up in the to-do lists of life that they miss out on giving God the best years of their life. In this session, those who seemingly juggle an impossible schedule will be equipped to:

    • Discover the freedom that comes when you develop a hunger for God and make Christ the center of your busy life.
    • Replace unhealthy habits of carrying stress with purposeful discipline to draw you closer to God.
    • Embrace the fullness of your relationship with God right now by intentionally seeking Him with all that you have.

    In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, it’s not uncommon for parenting to feel like a struggle at times. Battling too much screen time and a culture that seeks to minimize the ways of God, Christian parents sometimes question how to instill godly values without being overbearing. Through hearing Jasmine’s testimony of creating a godly environment for her little ones in a world of YouTube and Baby Shark (do do do do do do!), parents raising young children will be armed to:

    • Overcome parenting pitfalls of technology overload by learning how engage personally with your children.
    • Be the parent God called you to be by fulfilling your role in leading the next generation of Christians.
    • Create a counter culture in your home that prepares your children to love like Jesus and represent God wherever they go.

    Jesus told us to go into the world and make disciples (Matt. 28:19). While that’s an admirable and necessary mission, it can be a tad bit intimidating for young adults in an age when social media and texting are preferred over face to face conversations. Many millennials love God and want to share their faith but aren’t fully confident in doing that. In this session, youth and/or young adults will be empowered to:

    • Eliminate fear of sharing the gospel by realizing the value and impact of your personal testimony.
    • Become intentional about advancing God’s kingdom by seeing how great His love is for us and those around us.
    • Develop real relationships and use those connections to spread the peace of God that comes through Jesus Christ.

    “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” One of the most memorable lines from the Lord’s prayer, this was spoken in front of the people of Jesus’ day. How do we, in such a drastically different time and location, make sense of this prayer and carry out God’s kingdom in the earth today? Through this cultural comparison, people in this session will be inspired to:

    • Understand and apply the Bible to your life in a God-honoring way despite the time and place differences.
    • Position yourself to be a vessel for God in your generation by learning how His words translate to our world today.
    • Deepen your walk with God by realizing how even through the ancient text of the Bible He still speaks directly to us.

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